Saturday, November 22, 2008

Number of pages indexed

This tool will generate a report showing how many pages of your website has been indexed by the search engines so far. It supports all major search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Alltheweb, Hotbot and AltaVista.

Tips to get your website indexed quickly
Want to get more pages of your website indexed by search engines ? Here are some useful tips:

  1. Site structure
    Make sure your subpages are easily accessible by search engine bots. Create a sitemap page that links to all pages of your website and place a link to it from the homepage. If you have a large website, break the sitemap up in several parts and keep the total link number under 100 per page. Link from your homepage to deep pages to get them and the sites around them crawled faster.

  2. No session IDs
    Get rid of session IDs. Bots rarely index pages with a session IDs because they think that those are different pages (because of the different IDs) with the same content.

  3. No variables in the URLs
    Avoid variables in the URL. They are indexed slowly and often getting no PageRank. Use Apache's mod_rewrite feature to convert your dynamic pages to static. Redirect all old pages to the new ones with a 301 redirect. Note however that if you do that for your established website, search engines will need some time to crawl the new static pages.

  4. Get links !
    Inbound (incoming) links are half of the SEO battle nowadays. Your website needs links from quality, on topic websites. The higher your PageRank the faster and deeper your website will be crawled by bots. Get links not only to your home page, but also to the deep pages. Make sure the spiders can find your site from different places.

1 comment:

helpfultips said...

nice blog and stuff helpful for all user, nice STUFF thanks